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7264 Publikationen gefunden

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Die besondere Zahl 1/2025

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Report on the Board Meeting held on 12 December 2024

Vollmer, Thomas

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Profile of an occupation – medical assistant

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Nursing assistant – soon to be a new nationally standardised training occupation

Jürgensen, Anke

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Sustainable – digital – equal opportunities Future scenarios for work, education and employment

An interview with Dietmar Heisler on the occasion of the 23rd University Conference on Vocational Education and Training

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Higher vocational education and training in Austria

Background, requirements, expectations

Tritscher-Archan, Sabine ; Hassek-Eder, Elisabeth

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ETAUS – a new course of study oriented towards training

Supporting the decision-making process for young people in the area of electrical engineering

Hüning, Felix ; Eylmanns, Ralf ; Gräfen, Waltraud

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Seeking and securing … and then losing it again – findings relating to training places which are unfilled due to premature contract dissolutions

Ebbinghaus, Margit ; Mohr, Sabine

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Recognition and validation of competencies as a contribution to the acquisition of skilled workers

A comparison of established and new procedures

Gutschow, Katrin ; Böse, Carolin

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