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All quiet on the eastern front?

20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, vocational training is facing enormous challenges

Troltsch, Klaus ; Walden, Günter ; Zopf, Susanne


The situation on the training place market is presently better in Germany's eastern states than it is in the country's western states, whereby it is impossible to say at this time what effects the current financial and economic crisis will have in the future. This difference between the eastern and western sections of the country is primarily due to the massive decline in the number of school leavers and the sizable amounts of government funding made available to the eastern states. Although the current demographic trend has improved young people's chances of finding a training place, it also creates serious new problems for companies and their efforts to ensure they have enough young skilled workers to replenish their workforces. The situation in which in-company vocational training in Germany's eastern states currently finds itself will also extend to the country's western half in the next few years. The following report constitutes an attempt at outlining developments in the vocational training system in Germany's eastern states during the last 20 years against the backdrop of economic, socio-demographic and education trends and at sketching a picture of these developments using official statistics. The analysis undertaken in this report shows that vocational training continues to be less firmly anchored in enterprises in Germany's eastern states than in their counterparts in the western half of the country.

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Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
Issue number
BIBB Report
English / German

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