****************************************************************************************** ************************IBB/IAB Employment survey 1998/99********************************* *****************************************Coding the*************************************** ************International Standard Classification of Education 97 (ISCED-97)************** ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Origin: BIBB-FDZ PASW Statistics 18 Reference: Schroedter, J. H., Lechert, Y., und Lüttinger, P., (2006): Die Umsetzung der Bildungsskala ISCED-1997 für die Volkszählung 1970, die Mikrozensus-Zusatzerhebung 1971 und die Mikrozensen 1976-2004. GESIS. * ******************************************************************************************************** **level of education compute ed=v342. if v350<8 ed=v350. if v356<8 ed=v356. if v362<8 ed=v362. if v368<8 ed=v368. if v374<8 ed=v374. if v379<8 ed=v379. if v380<8 ed=v380. ** occ. degree. compute deg=0. if v418=1 deg= v405. if v486=1 deg= v473. if v554=1 deg= v541. if v620=1 deg= v607. if v681=1 deg= v668. if v447=8 | v447=9 | v515=8 | v515=9 | v583=8 | v583=9 deg=10. compute isced=$SYSMIS. if ed=2 | ed=3 isced=2. if ed=4 isced=3. if deg=1 | deg=4 isced=4. if ed=6 | ed=6 | ed=7 isced=5. if (deg=1| deg=4) & (ed=6 | ed=6 | ed=7) isced=6. if deg=6 isced=7. if deg=3 | deg=5 isced=8. if deg=10 isced=9. if missing (isced) isced=-4. *****************labeln*********************************************************************************************************************************** VALUE LABELS isced -9 'keine Angabe' -8 'weiß nicht' -7 'trifft nicht zu' -6 'ungültig' -5 'verweigert' -4 'not classifiable' -1 'Filter' 0 '0 Pre-primary education / Kindergarten' 1 '1 Primary education on first stage of basic education / Grundschule' 2 '2b Lower secondary education / Hauptschule' 3 '2a Lower secondary education / Mittlere Reife' 4 '3b Upper secondary education / Abschulss berufl. Ausbildung' 5 '3a Upper secondary education / Fach-|Hochschulreife' 6 '4a Post secondary non tertiary education / Abi + berufl. Ausbildung' 7 '5b First stage of tertiary education / Meister|Techniker' 8 '5a First stage of tertiary education / Uni FH Abschluss' 9 '6 Second stage of tertiary education / Promotion'. formats isced (f5.0). EXECUTE. VARIABLE LABELS isced 'ISCED 97'. EXECUTE.