Archive 2017

Experts in energy distribution, network management and market analysis
Dienstag, 15. August 2017

Experts in energy distribution, network management and market analysis

The energy turnaround for an environmentally sustainable future needs specialists for energy distribution, markets and network Management. The new advanced training regulation leading to the qualification of "certified senior clerk in the energy sector" will enter into force on 1 October 2017.

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Digital translation – New advanced training regulation enters into force on 1 January
Montag, 12. Juni 2017

Digital translation – New advanced training regulation enters into force on 1 January

Computer-aided translation or virtual databases - such aspects are exerting an impact on the demands made of translators today. The new advanced training regulations for the qualification of certified translator takes full account of these developments.

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Qualifications for refugees lead to boom in continuing education and training
Dienstag, 18. April 2017

Qualifications for refugees lead to boom in continuing education and training

The prevailing economic mood in the continuing education and training sector peaked at its highest point to date in 2016. The results of the "wbmonitor" survey by BIBB and DIE show that organisations providing qualifications for refugees saw improvements in terms of "economic mood".

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