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Special focus: Learning venues
Vocational education and training in figures
Press releases
Call for Papers
BIBB International
Special focus: Learning venues Top of the page

Despite what is suggested by the word "dual", the provision of initial vocational training in Germany is not limited to the two learning venues of the part-time vocational school and the company. Skills for vocational proficiency are also taught in inter-company training facilities, vocational training centres and - in the form of dual courses of study - at higher education establishments.

Editorial: Vocational Education & Training 4.0

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Weiß, Deputy President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and Head of Research

At least since the Hannover Trade Fair for Industrial Technology in the spring of 2014, Industry 4.0 has become Germany's synonym for a new Industrial Revolution based on digitalisation, automation, networking and flexible production processes. The resulting production facilities are capable of manufacturing different products and multiple versions of products "to order" without retooling delays.

Read more Vocational Education & Training 4.0

Multifarious target groups - one learning venue

Christiane Köhlmann-Eckel

Within the vocational training system, inter-company vocational education and training makes an important contribution in terms of securing the training capability of small and medium-sized companies. It facilitates technology transfer whilst also making training provision available to various target groups. The present article highlights the educational remit and the development of the learning venue of the inter-company vocational training centre and uses the training provision to illustrate the diversity of the target groups reached. Against this background, the article concludes by presenting the challenges and opportunities for inter-company vocational training centres within the context of lifelong learning.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Multifarious target groups - one learning venue

Vocational education and training in figures Top of the page

Young people with the lower secondary school leaving certificate - chances of progression to dual vocational education and training

Stephan Kroll, Alexandra Uhly

Particularly for young people with the lower secondary school leaving certificate, dual vocational education and training continues to be "the route" to a vocational qualification. This makes it all the more significant to investigate how many such school leavers succeed in progressing to dual vocational education and training and how their chances of progression develop over the course of time. It is frequently the case in this regard that so-called arithmetical progression rates are calculated by using statistics as a basis for relating the number of those commencing training to the number of those completing general schooling. Nevertheless, there are a number of pitfalls in calculating such seemingly simple indicators. The issues that need to be borne in mind are explained below.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Young people with the lower secondary school leaving certificate - chances of progression to dual vocational education and training

Press releases Top of the page
Trainees have significantly more in their pockets once again (07/01/2015)
The average training allowance based on collective wage agreements for the whole of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014 was €795 per month, an increase of 4.5 % compared to the previous year.

Difficult search for a training place - higher likelihood of being given employment by the company providing training (16/12/2014)
Young people from a migrant background are more likely to progress to permanent employment with the company providing training. However, the greatest difficulty facing young migrants remains the task of finding a training place at all at the end of their schooling.

Call for Papers: The Economics of VET Top of the page

The conference "The Economics of Vocational Education and Training: Markets, Institutions, Systems" will take place from 5th to 6th of November 2015 in Bonn. Papers can be submitted until 31 May 2015. Further information can be found in the PDF-File.

Read more Call for Papers

BIBB International Top of the page

More reputation for the dual system - Professor Esser spoke in Brussels


"We need to further develop vocational training and academic education on an equal footing!", BIBB President Professor Esser emphasised when speaking at a conference in Brussels. In addition to the prospects, he highlighted in his speech the characteristics and performance capability of the dual system.

Read more Further information

Recognition of foreign qualifications: New success stories


Who do I need to contact for recognition of my foreign professional qualifications? Do I need German language skills? These are just two of many questions skilled professionals at home and abroad wishing to work in their profession ask themselves. In addition to the bare facts, potential applicants now find also reports about personal experiences on the BIBB portal "Anerkennung in Deutschland" (Recognition in Germany). "You need a lot of patience for all the paperwork. In the end, though, it is worth it, and you have the satisfaction of finally working at an occupation that suits you and is fun", says Giusi Frazzetta, a paediatric nurse from Italy, for example. The tips and experiences presented in the new section "Succes Stories" help other skilled professionals wishing to embark on a career in Germany by having their qualifications recognised.

Read more Read success stories on "Recognition in Germany"

Success Stories from Central and Eastern European Countries and the CIS


The new iMOVE brochure of the series "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners" presents eight success stories of skill development realised in a joint effort by partners from Central and Eastern European Countries, the CIS and Germany.
The brochure is free of charge and available in English. As all other iMOVE publications it can be downloaded from the iMOVE website or ordered by email to iMOVE.

Read more Success Stories from Central and Eastern European Countries and the CIS


Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114 – 116
53113 Bonn - Germany

Tel.: +49 228 / 107 - 0
Fax: +49 228 / 107 - 2977
Email: bibbnews@bibb.de

https://www.bibb.de/en - The BIBB online knowledge portal

Editorial Team:
Charlotte Schölgens (editor-in-chief)

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