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Special focus - Inclusion
Editorial: "Inclusion as a task for vocational education and training"
Routes to inclusive vocational education and training
Vocational education and training in figures
Chances of progressing to dual vocational education and training and training success of young migrants
Initial vocational training in Germany remains investment-focused - results of BIBB Cost-Benefit Survey 2012/13
Special focus - Inclusion Top of the page

The theme of inclusion prompts contentious discussion across all sectors of education. How can access be provided to high-quality education for all people in accordance with their learning needs and their individual backgrounds and abilities? The latest issue of BWP (Vocational Training in Research and Practice) looks into what requirements the inclusion concept imposes upon vocational education and training, what opportunities it harbours, and what changes are needed so as to bring about equality of participation in, and by means of, vocational education and training.

Editorial: "Inclusion as a task for vocational education and training" Top of the page

Friedrich Hubert Esser, Professor Dr., President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)

It's not all about winning but taking part! This slogan from the sports world proved its timeless global validity once again in the year 2008, when the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities declared that inclusion was a human right for people with a disability. After the Convention took force in Germany in 2009, inclusion became central to a societal, education-policy and academic debate in our country.

Read more "Inclusion as a task for vocational education and training"

Routes to inclusive vocational education and training Top of the page

Ursula Bylinski

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which was ratified by Germany in 2009, has focused attention on the topic of inclusion both in educational policy and academic research terms. The aim of inclusion is to secure the societal participation of everyone regardless of individual disposition. This article examines the background to the concept of inclusion and presents implications for vocational education and training. Taking risks of exclusion as its starting point, it goes on to outline possible approaches towards the development of inclusion strategies at various action levels.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Routes to inclusive vocational education and training

Vocational education and training in figures Top of the page

Change of occupation after training - 18 to 24-year old's with dual vocational education and training in working life

Anja Hall

For most trainees, employment in the occupation in which they have trained is a goal worth striving for. Yet not everyone succeeds in achieving this. The 2011/2012 Youth Employee Survey conducted by BIBB and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) reveals the proportion of young employees not working in the occupation in which they have trained and highlights the factors determining a change of occupation.

Read more Change of occupation after training - 18 to 24-year old's with dual vocational education and training in working life

Chances of progressing to dual vocational education and training and training success of young migrants Top of the page

Ursula Beicht, Günter Walden

It has long since been known that young migrants in Germany experience particular difficulties in progressing along the route from school to vocational education and training. In overall terms, their chances of obtaining a training place within the dual system of vocational education and training are significantly worse than those of young people not from a migrant background. The present report undertakes a differentiated comparison of the transition to dual VET by young people with and without a migrant background on the basis of the 2011 BIBB Transitional Study.

Initial vocational training in Germany remains investment-focused - results of BIBB Cost-Benefit Survey 2012/13 Top of the page

Anika Jansen, Harald Pfeifer, Gudrun Schönfeld, Felix Wenzelmann

What is the cost of dual-system initial vocational education and training (IVET) to companies, and what benefit do they gain from it? This question is pursued in the following with reference to the BIBB Cost-Benefit Survey 2012/13 (BIBB-CBS 2012/13), a representative survey on the costs and benefits of in-company IVET.


Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114 – 116
53113 Bonn - Germany

Tel.: +49 228 / 107 - 0
Fax: +49 228 / 107 - 2977
Email: bibbnews@bibb.de

https://www.bibb.de/en - The BIBB online knowledge portal

Editorial Team:
Charlotte Schölgens (editor-in-chief)

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