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Matching Problems
Press releases
A bridge to employment for foreign skilled workers
News from the BIBB
BIBB International
Matching Problems Top of the page

Matching problems have been increasingly apparent since 2014 and change the relationship between supply and demand on the training market. What are the consequences of this, on the one hand for the recruitment of new and specialist personnel and on the other for young people searching for training places?

Editorial: More flexibility required - on both sides! More flexibility required - on both sides!

Reinhold Weiß, Prof. Dr., Deputy President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and Head of Research

After the summer holidays, around half a million young people will enter the world of work by commencing vocational education and training. Some will still be seeking a training place at this time, and their chances are not bad at all given the fact that there are still numerous vacancies. The placement activities of the chambers, associations and employment agencies will continue in order to bring together supply and demand.
Editorial in the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Editorial: More flexibility required - on both sides! More flexibility required - on both sides!

Young people from a migrant background - chances on the training market

Ursula Beicht

The training market situation has significantly improved for young people over recent years. Has this led to better opportunities for young migrants to find a training place? The article looks into this question via a consideration of the training place applicants registered with the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) [Federal Employment Agency] for the period from 2004 to 2014.

Read more Young people from a migrant background - chances on the training market

Matching problems on the training market - developments in the year 2015

Bettina Milde, Stephanie Matthes

The training market situation has been characterised by two seemingly contradictory developments for a number of years. On the one hand, companies are experiencing increasing difficulties in filling the training places they offer. On the other hand, there are still too many young people who are unsuccessful in their search for a training place. It is clear that the fit between company supply and demand from young people is becoming ever worse. The present article describes developments in 2015 on the basis of central training market data.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Matching problems on the training market - developments in the year 2015

Analyses of potential - to what amount is requirements-oriented alignment permitted?

Carolin Kunert

Analyses of potential are the first module of a vocational orientation process which begins in Years 7 and 8. The main focus is on the children and on their abilities, wishes and interests. In the light of growing matching problems on the training market, some are questioning the usefulness of this subject-based approach and wondering whether the young people should be shown prospects which are more clearly aligned to the future skilled worker requirements. The present article investigates this issue and is informed by views which have emerged from two guided group discussions with education professionals.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Analyses of potential - to what amount is requirements-oriented alignment permitted?

Press releases Top of the page
Major developments in training in the sanitary, heating and air conditioning sector (05/07/2016)
Digitalisation and sustainability gain more importance in the field of sanitary, heating and air conditioning engineering and increase demand for regulation. The new training regulation for the occupation of plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems enters into force on 1 August.
Structuring vocational education in a future-oriented way (23/06/2016)
The 2015 BIBB Annual Report informs about substantial data, analyses and programmes from BIBB in the last year - an important foundation because: "vocational education and training must be further developed and structured in a future-oriented way" stresses BIBB President Esser.
Spinning, cutting and chasing - and other aspects of metal design (20/06/2016)
Spinning, cutting and chasing all constitute training contents for decorative metal workers. The modernised training regulations offer specialisms in crafting small metal items, metal spinning and metal chasing. The updated training regulations enter into force on 1 August 2016.

A bridge to employment for foreign skilled workers Top of the page

The Federal Government formally adopted the 2016 Report on the Recognition Act. Since the introduction of a legal right to a recognition procedure four years ago, the number of applications has grown significantly. Between 2012 and 2014, more than 44,000 applications for professional recognition were submitted in occupations governed by federal law alone. Just over 17,600 of these applications were made in 2014. The report shows that 96 percent of procedures conclude by awarding full or partial recognition.

Read more Third Report on the Recognition Act (German only)

News from the BIBB Top of the page

Swiss vocational education and training experts visit BIBB


BIBB received a visit from the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. Extensive talks conducted by the Swiss and German sides focused on getting to know each other better and on enhancing joint activities.

Read more Furhter information

Federal Minister Wanka takes part in discussions with the "Parliament of Vocational Education and Training" at BIBB

BIBB President Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser, Federal Minister of Education and Research Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Head of Board Udo Philippus, BIBB Director of Research Prof. Dr. Reinhold Weiß (f.l.t.r.)

Professor Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister of Education and Research, attended the summer meeting of the BIBB Board on 21 June 2016 in order to network with members. The statement she made and the talks she conducted with a body which is also often referred to as the "Parliament of Vocational Education and Training" both focused on opportunities and challenges and on strengthening vocational education and training. At the very outset of her extensive dialogue with BIBB, the minister emphasised the multitude of activities undertaken by the institute that were relevant to research, policy making and practice and stressed the central significance of initial and continuing VET in Germany.

Read more Further information

BIBB International Top of the page

Vocational education and training cooperation with Thailand extended

Signing of the cooperation agreement (f.l.t.r.: Dr. Boonsong Champabhoti, Assistant Secretary (OVEC); Virachai Srikajon, Director General (TPQI); Herbert Tutschner, Head of Division (BIBB))

In order to expand regional air transport, Thailand requires skilled workers, especially in the field of aircraft maintenance. The cooperation agreement between BIBB and its Thai partner institutes, the Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) and the Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI) has been extended with the objective of helping to cover the requirement for skilled workers in the field of aircraft maintenance.

Read more Further information

First TVET Monitoring Workshop in the Philippines

f.l.t.r.) Dr. Verena Eberhardt (BIBB), Michael Schwarz (BIBB), Dr. Alberto P. Fenix JR (President PCCI HRDF), Marissa Legaspi (Executive Director TESDA), Ursula Mendoza (TESDA), Andreas Meyn (Project Director K to 12 Plus Project)

BIBB in partnership with K to 12 Plus Project, Technical Education & Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Human Resources Development Fund of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI HRDF) conducted its first TVET Monitoring Workshop with the goal of improving the current monitoring system of TVET in the country.

Read more Further information

Visit by delegation from East African countries


GOVET leads a specialist discussion on dual vocational education and training and on issues relating to the transfer of vocational education and training with government and business representatives from East African countries.

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Publication Top of the page

Modernisation Of Vocational Education And Training - The International Consultancy Adopted By BIBB

Janssen, Bettina; Cáceres-Reebs, Diana; Medrikat, Ilona; Schwarz, Michael

BIBB meets the challenge of the increasing globalisation, demographic change and developments in economy and technology by identifying future VET tasks, promoting innovations in national and international VET and developing practically oriented solutions for initial and continuing VET.

Read more Publication as Download

Limited transferability of human capital across countries - the case of workers with foreign qualifications in Germany

Daniela Rohrbach-Schmidt | Michael Tiemann

So far, only limited evidence exists on skill utilisation beyond over- or under-education among immigrants. The BIBB-study -published as Academic Research Discussion Paper - tries to fill this gap by exploiting recent data of the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2012, which allow for observing levels of both educational and skill mismatch among workers with foreign qualifications.

Read more Publication as Download

Events Top of the page

"Adult Education in Cities and Regions - a European Perspective " - EPALE conference 08 - 09 September2016 - Aachen, Germany

How do regional and local adult education policy and practice work on regions and cities? Adult education professionals from the daily-practice level together with local and regional adult education politicians are invited to discuss their different perspectives of adult education. The event takes place in Aachen and is organised by the NSS EPALE in Germany together with their colleagues from the Netherlands, Luxemburg and Belgium.

Read more Programme and Online-Registration


Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114 – 116
53113 Bonn - Germany

Tel.: +49 228 / 107 - 0
Fax: +49 228 / 107 - 2977
Email: bibbnews@bibb.de

https://www.bibb.de/en - The BIBB online knowledge portal

Editorial Team:
Charlotte Schölgens (editor-in-chief)

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