BWP 2/2017

Vocational education and training 4.0

Coverbild: BWP 2/2017

The consequences of rapidly increasing digitalisation are very difficult to gauge. How will occupations change, and which competencies will be needed in the World of Work 4.0 in future? BIBB is joining forces with stakeholders from trade and industry, academic research and educational practice to examine the consequences of digitalisation for vocational education and training. This issue focuses on initiatives, findings and perspectives for structuring technological change.


Vocational education and training in figures

Stephan Kroll

Technical occupations – not always just a purely male domain

Special Focus

The digital challenge requires an overall societal initiative

BIBB President Professor Esser in conversation with Dr. Susanne Eisenmann, President of the Kultusministerkonferenz (Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany)

Felix Lukowski; Caroline Neuber-Pohl

Digital technologies make work more demanding

Matthias Becker; Georg Spöttl; Lars Windelband

Further development of occupational profiles for Industry 4.0

Findings from coverage analyses taking the occupation of mechatronics fitter as an example

Stephanie Conein; Henrik Schwarz; Herbert Tutschner

Modernisation of the IT occupations in the age of 4.0

Olaf Katzer; Stefan Kreher; Gert Zinke

Initial training for the digitalised work

Example: skilled workers supporting production in the automobile industry

Learning in the Smart Factory 4.0

Interview with Bernd Wiedmann and Raphael Hörner from Aalen Trade and Technical School

Christian Dominic Fehling

New forms of teaching and learning in Training 4.0

Social augmented learning in the print industry

Andreas Breiter; Falk Howe; Michael Härtel

Media-pedagogical competence of company-based training staff

Stephan Dietrich; Bernd Weiterer

Training for Economy 4.0

JOBSTARTER plus supporting SMEs with digitalisation

Claudia Schreier

Digitalisation in training – inter-company training centres take on a pioneering role

Michael Lindemann; Sebastian Niewiara; Grazyna Wittgen


A model for the practically-oriented imparting of digital innovations in motor vehicle training

Other Themes

Diana Cáceres-Reebs; Candita Victoria Gil Jiménez; María Elena Salazar Peña

Informing, motivating, offering support – educational guidance in Mexican vocational education and training

Torsten Dunkel

Technology-aided learning in nursing training – impetuses from European projects


Michael Weber-Wernz

Transport services clerk – an occupation about to be updated