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BIBB Congress 2018: Learning for the future
Partners and strategies of cooperation
Vocational education and training in figures
BIBB international
Press releases
BIBB Congress 2018: Learning for the future Top of the page

The BIBB Congress will take place on 7th and 8th June 2018 under the banner of "Learning for the future. VET of tomorrow - experience innovations". The event will be held at the bcc in Berlin with just under 1,000 VET experts from Germany and abroad.

We invite you to participate in the following forums:

  • "Vocational Education and Training 4.0 - initial and continuing training in the digital age",
  • "Learning venues with a future: cooperative and digital",
  • "Work-based learning: occupational competence in Europe and the world",
  • "School, and then what? Dual vocational education and training - preferences and reality",
  • "Migration and integration: the contribution of vocational training" and
  • "Healthcare and nursing: perspectives for vocational education and training"

Simultanious interpretation (German/English) will be provided throughout the conference for the plenary sessions and the forums.

Please note that due to a high demand, there are only very few seats available for the upcoming congress.

Read more kongress2018.bibb.de/en/

Partners and strategies of cooperation Top of the page

The vocational education and training landscape is undergoing change in the wake of demographic and technological developments. Discernible signs of this shift include fewer trainees whose prior learning is, however, increasingly heterogeneous in nature, more demanding training contents, and matching problems on the training market that are beginning to perpetuate themselves. What are the impacts of all this on collaboration between the cooperation partners involved in vocational education and training? Where are new ways of working together coming into being, and how are existing cooperation arrangements being developed further in order to ensure high-quality training?

Editorial: Making use of the areas of potential offered by cooperation

Hubert Ertl, Prof. Dr., Director of Research and Vice President of BIBB

Whereas cooperation between learning venues in the dual system has been a traditional object of specialist discourse for some considerable time, we still await a cross-cutting approach towards dealing with new forms and contexts of cooperation within the vocational education and training sector. This seems to be an important prerequisite for the systematisation and stabilisation of cooperation. Against this background, the articles included in the present issue provide a good summary of the various areas in which new types of cooperation are emerging and in which different stakeholders have created cooperative structures that did not previously exist.
Editorial in the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Editorial: Making use of the areas of potential offered by cooperation

Introduction of dual training in Slovakia

Marthe Geiben, Eszter Csépe-Bannert

In 2015, Slovakia passed a new vocational education and training act which also encompasses the introduction of dual training. Its provisions also include stipulations governing new opportunities for cooperation between the state and trade and industry at a national level and between schools and business both regionally and locally. This article presents these regulations and describes initial experiences with implementation by taking the development of training programmes for shoe makers as an example.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Introduction of dual training in Slovakia

Occupations Top of the page

Changes to examination regulations as a result of the interaction between company impetuses and (sub)statutory stipulations

Barbara Lorig

The examination system occupies a key position in vocational education and training reforms because it exerts direct effects on learning processes and structures. At the same time, large numbers of stakeholders in pursuit of different vested interests are involved in the further development of the system. Against the background of the interaction between impetuses from practice and from the regulatory policy or legislative framework, this article illustrates the changes that have taken place over recent decades with regard to examination structure, examination instruments and guiding principles. A forecast is presented which reflects upon these developments and their impacts on examination practice.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Changes to examination regulations as a result of the interaction between company impetuses and (sub)statutory stipulations

Vocational education and training in figures Top of the page

Almost all companies believe that more support is required for the training of refugees

Christian Gerhards

Company-based training makes an essential contribution to the integration of young refugees. Numerous measures are in place to provide support prior to and during training. However, how suitable are these measures from the point of view of the companies? The 2017 BIBB Training Panel surveyed companies providing training on this issue. Respondents included both companies who are already training refugees and those who have not yet been able to gain any experience in this area.
Article from the BIBB-journal Vocational Training in Research and Practice - BWP

Read more Almost all companies believe that more support is required for the training of refugees

BIBB international Top of the page

New cooperation agreement signed with South Korea


"The long-standing exchange with the South Korean partner institute KRIVET is a good example of successful international collaboration beyond European borders", emphasized BIBB Research Director Ertl on the occasion of the signing of a new cooperation agreement.

Read more New cooperation agreement signed with South Korea

Dual VET - how is it done?

Dual VET - how do companies and vocational schools do it? The delegation from the Mexican BIBB partner institute CONALEP came with many questions about how dual VET is implemented. Over four days they had the chance to pose these questions to practitioners and to visit training centres.

Read more Dual VET - how is it done?

Online survey on the changing nature and role of VET in Europe

© Alterfalter - Fotolia.com

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is currently working on a project focusing on the 'Changing Nature and Role of VET in Europe'. This research supports post-2020 European cooperation in this area. For this purpose, Cedefop has prepared an online survey that allows experts to share their views on the future of VET.

Read more Online survey on the changing nature and role of VET in Europe

Case Seminar: How do German SME clusters implement apprenticeships?


iMOVE hosted the first "Case Seminar - How do German SME clusters approach apprenticeships?" in Bonn. This Seminar highlighted aspects of the implementation of these programmes and how German small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are using this approach to prepare for the skills demands of the future. The Seminar is part of the iMOVE initiative to connect with partners in India and other countries.

Read more Case Seminar: How do German SME clusters implement apprenticeships?

Final conference and last project meeting of the Erasmus+ project "New Models in Workbased Learning"

On the end of March 2018, the final conference and the last project meeting of the project "New Models in Workbased Learning" funded under Erasmus+ Key Action 3 (Supporting Political Reforms) took place in Ljubljana/Slovenia. The project was coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS).

Read more Final conference and last project meeting of the Erasmus+ project "New Models in Workbased Learning"

1st ASEAN-German Education and Vocational Training Forum


The focus of the conference - held under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - was discussion and exchange between partners on successful vocational education and Training cooperation, and the prospects for future collaboration.

Read more 1st ASEAN-German Education and Vocational Training Forum

Reform of vocational education and training in Indonesia


How does dual vocational education and training work in Germany? How are vocational standards developed? What role do social partners play? Alex Kakooza, Permanent Secretary from Uganda, learned about the core elements of vocational training under the dual system in Germany at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).

Read more Reform of vocational education and training in Indonesia

Press releases Top of the page
"Klischeefrei" initiative gathers pace (19/04/2018)
The "Klischeefrei" initiative campaigns for a world in which the choice of occupation and degree is free from gender-specific role models. Support from companies and institutions is rising. The BIBB is also supporting career orientation free of stereotyping with Girls' Day and Boys' Day on 26 April.
Training market undergoing serious change (18/04/2018)
More people now start training with higher education entrance qualifications, more training positions remain unfilled - These are the findings from the 10th and anniversary edition of the Data Report. The thematic focus of the 2018 BIBB Data Report is vocational orientation.
Strategies for the training of persons with little or no educational background (28/03/2018)
Persons with little or no educational background participate comparatively rarely in continuing education and training. The findings of the wbmonitor survey conducted by BIBB provide new ideas for potentially effective strategies aimed at overcoming barriers in this area.
Practical experience and individual support ease the way into training for refugees (27/03/2018)
Applicants from a refugee background are more likely to make the transition into company-based training if they receive support and assistance from mentors in the course of their search for a training position. These are the findings of a survey conducted by BIBB and Federal Employment Agency (BA).
Taking the right approach - quality assurance in company-based training (22/03/2018)
Because VET systems in other countries are predominantly school based, one particular question that arises abroad is which instruments and pathways secure training quality within the German dual system. A BIBB brochure, which is available in English, provides transparency and a structured overview.

Publications Top of the page

Open Access Case Study: How is the Situation in VET Research in Germany?

With regard to access to data and academic results, one important element is open accessibility of academic research publications: Open Access. This specialist Internet article provides a fundamental explanation of the Open Access concept. Furthermore, the developments concerning Open Access in vocational education and training research in Germany are explained.

Read more Download


Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114 – 116
53113 Bonn - Germany

Tel.: +49 228 / 107 - 0
Fax: +49 228 / 107 - 2977
Email: bibbnews@bibb.de

https://www.bibb.de/en - The BIBB online knowledge portal

Editorial Team:
Charlotte Schölgens (editor-in-chief)

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