Communication and reception of the apprentice perspective in international comparison (KuRA)

The effects of digitization are affecting the day-to-day training of apprentices/IVET learners. Additionally reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, they are confronted with new forms of learning in which the focus is on self-organized learning. Technical tools and digital platforms are changing communication in the training company and in the vocational school, as well as didactics and ultimately the role of the teaching staff.

Against the backdrop of these developments, the question arises as to the extent to which the apprentices' perspectives are systematically recorded. 

The object of the project is to better understand, on the one hand, the formalized processes of communication with the other groups of actors during their training. On the other hand, at which governance level of the VET systems and in which form the perspective and experiences of the apprentices/IVET learners are systematically recorded and can thus be incorporated into educational policy decision-making processes. 

The project concept is designed on a country comparative basis and includes Germany, Switzerland as well as Denmark. The different approaches to how the group of apprentices/IVET learner is embedded in the network of state and institutional actors are analyzed against the background of the respective governance model of the VET systems.
Methodologically, the project follows a qualitative approach including interviews with apprentices/IVET learner.

Project duration: I/2021 bis III/2022
Project team: Ute Hippach-Schneider, Janine Grobe-Rath, Elena Rieder