We should seize the opportunity to reach 1.3 million young people!
BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser was awarded the Georg Schulhoff Prize in November 2023. In his acceptance speech, Professor Esser emphasised that education for democratic citizenship is an important aspect of holistic VET in the face of declining trust in democratic institutions.
Custom tailoring combines creative dexterity, traditional techniques and modern manufacturing. Custom tailors create haute couture and theatre costumes for private clients and stage performances. This occupational profile provides training figures for this profession.
European feedback on the topic 'Quality assurance and qualification of in-company training personnel'
DEQA-VET carried out an EQAVET peer review on this topic in summer 2024. This feedback report summarises the impressions and recommendations of the eight European peers from the EQAVET network.
Labour market and vocational education and training
In times of societal transformation, the interaction between the labour market and VET is facing considerable challenges. This issue of BWP asks how VET can be structured in a way which enables it to keep pace with the speed of the transformation.
This issue of BWP provides numerical data which forms the basis for an objective debate on what has been achieved thus far and on the remaining challenges in respect of sustainably promoting integration in and via vocational education and training.
Chambers, employers’ associations and other intermediary institutions make an indispensable contribution to ensuring and promoting the quality of company-based training through various measures. A DEQA-VET-project is now attempting to investigate quality initiatives at the intermediate level.
Training staff make a valuable contribution to the training and socialisation of the future’s skilled workers. This issue of BWP focuses on the acquisition and training of vocational training staff and on which old and new requirements need to be managed along the way.
BWP shows solidarity with Ukraine and adapts its cover for this issue. In terms of content it investigates the question as to the ways in which greater flexibility is useful or even necessary for an effective and modern VET system without, however, jettisoning fundamental principles.
How can sustainability – as to its social, economic and ecological dimensions – be enshrined structurally within the education system, and how can it be made an active and integral part of practice? The issue of BWP sheds light on the key role of VET with regard to implementing the 2030 Agenda aims.
The international conference hosted by "Education and Employers" took place under the motto "Preparing Young People for the Future". BIBB Director of Research and Vice President, Prof. Hubert Ertl, analysed the role of employers in initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany.
The coronavirus pandemic is creating major challenges for VET. The crisis has shed a clearer light on existing problem situations, and the pressure to seek solutions has generated considerable momentum too. How much of this momentum will be retained and go on to leave a lasting mark on VET?
The articles included in this issue discuss the interplay between core competencies and occupation-specific professional knowledge and skills and illustrate how core competencies can be fostered in company-based initial and continuing training.
Training in Germany as investment to counter the skilled worker shortage
The German economy suffers from a lack of skilled workers in the labour market. Two of the most important options to cover the skill demand of firms are apprenticeship training and the recruitment of already trained workers from the external labour market. The study examines both options.
Due to demographic trends, the demand from young people for dual training positions has fallen to under 600,000 for the first time. There was also a fall in the number of training positions on offer as well as newly concluded dual training contracts.
Monday, 2 December 2019
BWP 6/2019 published
This issue of BWP looks at how the examination system can keep pace with the shift that is taking place in vocational education and training and at the challenges that need to be overcome in this regard.
BIBB Conference: Economics of Vocational Education and Training
The BIBB hosts its second conference on the economics of vocational education and training on November 7th and 8th 2019 in Siegburg. The conference will bring together researchers from all related fields to discuss the most recent empirical and theoretical results on this subject.