This issue of BWP provides numerical data which forms the basis for an objective debate on what has been achieved thus far and on the remaining challenges in respect of sustainably promoting integration in and via vocational education and training.
The examination system is being altered by reforms and by digitalisation. The pressure to modernise is considerable. This issue sets out the current challenges and presents research results and approaches towards the further development of the examination system which have been adopted in practice.
How can sustainability – as to its social, economic and ecological dimensions – be enshrined structurally within the education system, and how can it be made an active and integral part of practice? The issue of BWP sheds light on the key role of VET with regard to implementing the 2030 Agenda aims.
The coronavirus pandemic is creating major challenges for VET. The crisis has shed a clearer light on existing problem situations, and the pressure to seek solutions has generated considerable momentum too. How much of this momentum will be retained and go on to leave a lasting mark on VET?
Eight video clips: Permeability in vocational education and training
What is important in the transition from school to work? Why do young people choose dual VET? What further development opportunities are there afterwards? GOVET spoke in eight video interviews with apprentices, trainers and project leaders from the field of technology.
The articles included in this issue discuss the interplay between core competencies and occupation-specific professional knowledge and skills and illustrate how core competencies can be fostered in company-based initial and continuing training.
BWP 1/2020: Continuing vocational education and training
What general conditions are individuals and companies currently experiencing? And how does continuing training need to be organised in future in order to be able to offer both appropriate provision and, above all, the right overall framework?
BIBB Conference: Economics of Vocational Education and Training
The BIBB hosts its second conference on the economics of vocational education and training on November 7th and 8th 2019 in Siegburg. The conference will bring together researchers from all related fields to discuss the most recent empirical and theoretical results on this subject.
The development of the German VET system and more specifically of the dual system relies on regular data collection. The Data Report of the BIBB is a selection of most relevant and actual data on the German VET system.
BIBB’s English website has been complemented by a new section on the German vocational education and training (VET) system. In addition, important terms can now be looked up in a VET glossary.
Approaches towards higher dual vocational education and training in Germany and South Korea
South Korean researchers have recently been at BIBB and at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences to exchange information on current developments in dual higher education study in Germany and on new approaches being adopted towards higher vocational education and training in South Korea.
Around €18 billion from their own pocket – BIBB analysis on continuing vocational training
A new BIBB analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the cost and benefits of continuing vocational training for participants. They contribute significantly to financing their continuing vocational training.
Training market undergoing serious change – 10th BIBB Data Report
More people now start training with higher education entrance qualifications, more training positions remain unfilled - These are the findings from the 10th and anniversary edition of the Data Report. The thematic focus of the 2018 BIBB Data Report is vocational orientation.
Results of wbmonitor: Strategies for the training of persons with little or no educational background
Persons with little or no educational background participate comparatively rarely in continuing education and training. The findings of the wbmonitor survey conducted by BIBB provide new ideas for potentially effective strategies aimed at overcoming barriers in this area.
BIBB President Esser: “Continuing training – essential for the future world of work!”
The world of work of the future will require greater importance to be attached to continuing training. "Continuing training has long ceased being an option. It is now a must", BIBB President Esser was writing in the latest issue of BIBB's specialist journal BWP.
What sorts of provision and forms of learning are required in order to keep pace with the change that is occurring in the economy and in society? Answers are provided in the current issue of BWP.