Research projects, development projects, and academic research services

The Project Database (DaPro) contains information on ongoing and completed projects conducted by the Federal Institute. It provides details of project objectives and project status. Information regarding results is provided in the form of interim and final reports, links and references. Search functions are available that enable projects to be extracted by content and formal criteria.

People inside an office discussing charts and diagrams
  • Research projects are either self-financed or externally funded as commissioned and third party research.
  • Development projects aim to create a product (such as training regulations) or a service.
  • Academic research services support transfer and may be accessed by external users (e.g. data portals, publications).

BIBB Project Database

The Project Database provides information on all current projects being conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and training as well as covering projects completed in recent years. A distinction is drawn between research and development projects and academic research services.

Consultancy via BIBB committees

Research planning and research results are subject to regular consultation in the BIBB committees. This feedback makes an important contribution to quality development. The main bodies involved are the Research Council and the Vocational Education and Training Research Committee, a sub-committee of the BIBB Board. Research projects are additionally accompanied by project councils. The purpose of project councils is quality assurance of research projects. Members of project councils are selected on the basis of their specialist expertise and take on an advisory function. They serve voluntarily and are appointed by the President and proposed by the Project Head.

Further information on BIBB's committees