Equal cooperation
BIBB system consultancy is founded on a systematic approach. Advisory services are directed at all stakeholders in the vocational education and training system. They are based on principles such as equal cooperation and a comprehensive understanding of vocational education and training.
System consultancy supports the structuring of general conditions and processes in the countries’ VET systems. Consultancy is seen as an external impetus for systemic development processes. It is aligned to educational policy goals and strategies. National VET policy structures form the starting point. The social, cultural, economic and political structures of the respective country are also taken into account.
Consultancy takes place individually at all levels of the vocational education and training system:
- Consultancy for policy decision makers:
BIBB advises policy decision makers at the system level, the so-called macro level. The predominant focus here is on the integration of all relevant societal stakeholders. - Consultancy for vocational education and training institutions:
At the so-called meso level, BIBB provides advice and support for the establishment and transition of structures of VET institutions. - Consultancy for further VET stakeholders:
At this level, BIBB offers advice and support in areas such as the training of multipliers or mentors. It also offers consultancy and assistance with questions relating to the practical implementation of dual training.
BIBB’s many years of experience show that the most successful consultancy is precisely tailored and jointly coordinated with and within the countries across a broad basis.
The following five principles have proved their worth in the consultancy process
BIBB always enters into equal cooperation with the countries. This means that the integration of dual elements into the country-specific VET system is always based on the requirements and interests of the countries.
BIBB endeavours to involve all relevant stakeholders in the consultancy process from the very outset. This is the only way of achieving the goal of optimum cooperation between the state, trade and industry and the relevant non-governmental organisations.
In providing consultancy, BIBB is strictly guided by the needs within the countries. It begins by working in conjunction with national stakeholders to identify specific requirements. The reform process for the vocational education and training system is then driven forward in accordance with the country’s national, economic and social interests.
The environmental sustainability of products and production processes has become an important location factor. This inspires BIBB to take the aspect of sustainability into account in the reform of vocational education and training systems and to pay attention to its ecological, economic and social dimensions. BIBB offers concepts and practical examples for the promotion of employability skills in the area of sustainable business management. These concepts are directed both at trainees and at VET staff.
BIBB stands for gender equality in vocational education and training. It provides advice and support in areas such as the design of information materials and measures.
BIBB’s consultancy is based on a comprehensive understanding of vocational education and training. This means:
- Vocational education and training promotes in equal measure employability on the labour market, personal development and the willingness and capability to take part in societal processes.
- Vocational education and training is based on a holistic approach, i.e. it leads to the acquisition of employability skills and occupational competence. The principle of employment orientation strengthens personal responsibility and the ability to work autonomously.
- Vocational education and training encompasses initial and continuing training and thus comprises part of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning includes formal and informal learning. Formal, or systematised learning, is the learning that takes place in educational and training institutions, such as vocational schools or academies of advanced training. Informal learning refers to individual continuing training which takes place independently of the learning venue. This includes aspects such as learning in the workplace. The imparting of learning competence, i.e. the competence of “learning how to learn”, is central to vocational education and training (source: BWP 3/2003, p.3).
- Vocational qualifications entitle their holders to participate in further educational courses. This facilitates permeability between general, vocational and academic education.
- Many (potential) workers possess competences that have been acquired by informal means. If such knowledge is recognised, individuals enjoy better labour market chances and enhanced opportunities to access formal educational provision.