More than 20 years of international experience

Four people holding fitting puzzle pieces

International interest in the German VET system is huge. Collaboration with partner institutes is one of the main focuses of BIBB’s international VET activities. Profound expertise and more than 20 years of international advisory experience provide a solid basis.

This takes place within research and development projects and via advisory services for the reform of VET systems.

Regular partner meetings are held to discuss current topics, identify new fields of cooperation and expand networking.

Members of the Alliance for Dual VET in Latin America and the Caribbean at the conference in Santo Domingo
Tuesday, 24 September 2024

New presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean

At the invitation of the presidency of the Alliance for VET in Latin America and the Caribbean, INFOTEP, BIBB and ILO/Cinterfor, the members of the Alliance and representatives from politics, business and practice discussed the pillars of dual VET at an international conference in Santo Domingo.

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Prof Dr Esser stands on a black stage with a delegation. In the background you can read "TVET System Reform"
Thursday, 13 June 2024

BIBB reinforces its role in Indonesia as an internationally recognised centre of excellence for vocational education and training

On 12 June, BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser gave a keynote address in Jakarta at the invitation of the Indonesian Ministry for Economic Affairs and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The speech formed part of an international VET conference.

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7.8.111 - German-Israeli Programme for Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training

Time period II-13 to IV-16

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1.5.303 - Executive publication of the International Handbook of Vocational Training (IHBB)

Time period I-10 to IV-16

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