European Education Area

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and training is actively involved in helping to shape the European Education Area. BIBB implements and pilots the European instruments EQF, ECVET and EQAVET and is involved in the validation of informal learning.

Various flags of different european countries hanging on flagpoles
Tuesday, 27 August 2024

VET policy brief Germany 2024

An overview of vocational education and training initiatives and programmes in Germany in 2023, successful approaches and challenges from the perspective of European priority setting.

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Friday, 30 June 2023

ReferNet study visit

On 20 and 21 June, colleagues from the higher VET department at the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills gained an insight into higher VET qualification in Germany. The agenda included talks at BIBB but also at a chamber of skilled crafts and a company.

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3.5.304 - Die Rolle der Akteure in den Berufsbildungssystemen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung - ein deutsch-schweizerischer Vergleich (RADigital)

Time period III-18 to IV-19

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7.8.158 - Promotion of European cooperation in the field of quality assurance in vocational education and training

Time period II-16 to I-17

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1.5.313 - Development of national training standards - stakeholders, procedures and organisation in a European comparison

Time period I-15 to IV-17

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7.8.094 - European Agenda for Adult Learning

Time period III-12 to III-17

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1.5.312 - Dual education and training as a company-based strategy for ensuring provision of specialist skills - case studies of motivation and organisation in an international context

Time period II-15 to I-17

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7.8.112 - Information and advisory institution for visits abroad in the context of vocational education and training (IBS)

Time period I-13 to IV-16

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1.0.516 - European cooperation on research in the field of VET within the scope of CEDEFOP's ReferNet network

Time period III-03 to IV-23

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1.5.309 - Vocational education and training in the tertiary education sector – An international comparative analysis of models and functions

Time period I-14 to I-17

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1.5.314 - Transfer in (international) vocational education and training cooperations

Time period II-15 to IV-16

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