Useful Information and Definitions

In order to highlight areas of future scope, we use our QuBe basic projection to update developments in the education and employment system, which are already discernible today. In this way, impacts exerted by altered general conditions, such as an increasingly digitalised economy, can be investigated on the basis of scenario analyses.

The results of our projections by occupations, qualifications or requirements levels can be downloaded via the QuBe Data Portal, and differentiations may be undertaken by persons or by hours of work with regard to both supply and demand. The adjusted search duration provides information on the skilled worker situation in the occupations.

The adjusted search duration maps the skilled worker situation in the occupation. Occupationally and requirements specific search durations state the average period of time needed by companies to find a suitable person to fill a vacancy. In the QuBe Project, search durations are adjusted in accordance with company characteristics and the characteristics of the job on the basis of the IAB Job Vacancy Survey and used as a new indicator for the skilled worker situation in the occupation. The resultant adjusted search duration is updated in accordance with the development of the net labour force by hours (volume of work ratio) and the substitutability potential by unskilled workers or by workers with different qualifications (substitution indicator). The modelling of this indicator is described in the following publication.

Taking into account the transitions within the education system (between different training facilities) and between the education system and the labour market, the QuBe projections show the long-term occupational structure of the new labour supply coming from the education system.  Furthermore, by modelling qualification-specific migration flows, the net new supply from abroad can be shown separately by qualification. By taking into account how many people leave the labour force with their learned occupation and their correspondingly acquired qualification, the labour force can be derived from this according to their learned occupation as well as separately by qualification.

The unique feature of the QuBe projections is the use of occupational flexibility matrices. Not every person works in the same job they were trained in for their entire working life. The occupational flexibility matrix indicates the proportion of people who remain in the occupation they were trained in (stayer) and the proportion, who changes into other occupational main groups.