BIBB Expert Monitor

The BIBB “Vocational Education and Training Expert Monitor” was developed as an online survey instrument in 2004. Its purpose is to facilitate the systematic questioning of experts on current educational policy issues.

People in suits are discussing.

Over the past few years, the Expert Monitor has enabled a wide range of different surveys to be realised. In 2011, for example, a detailed investigation of the transition from school to vocational education and training was undertaken. The topic explored in the following year was whether experts favoured two to three years or even three and a half years as the right duration for dual training. The subsequent survey addressed the theme of the “Image of dual VET” and focused on the reputation, strengths and weaknesses and future prospects of dual training.

In 2014, a survey on “Inclusion in dual vocational education and training” opened up a debate on whether and to which extent the dual training system should face up to the inclusion demands of UNESCO and also surveyed the positions adopted by the participating experts with regard to this topic. All the results which emerge from the Expert Monitor are published in a timely manner and made available to a wide audience.