Company decisions and actions - factors influencing company training and recruitment

The sustainability of vocational education and training will particularly depend on whether sufficient numbers of companies continue to provide initial and continuing vocational education and training in order to cover their skills and competence requirements. However, doubts are emerging in this regard in light of growing matching problems and the fact that skilled workers who have undergone vocational education and training are increasingly being replaced by academically educated persons. The question arises as to which forms of initial and continuing training are still attractive to companies in terms of retaining competitiveness in a digitalised and knowledge-based economy.

This topic cluster therefore focuses on investigating the factors influencing company decision-making processes and company actions in training and recruitment- The topic cluster facilitates the collation of various theoretical approaches from different disciplines by providing a comprehensive analytical framework. The central aim of the cluster is to offer better explanations of company decisions and company actions relating to training and recruitment.

Sample key questions

  • What role is played by the socio-demographic characteristics and personal preferences of persons acting at companies with regard to company training and recruitment decisions?
  • What influence is exerted on training and recruitment actions by various company organisational forms (e.g. network-based or matrix-shaped organisational forms)?
  • What is the impact of changes to internal and external institutions on company training decisions?
  • What are the relative weights of decision maker-specific, organisational and institutional factors in explaining company actions, and what are the ensuing consequences for theory and practice?

1.1.010 - Betriebliche Qualifizierungs- und Rekrutierungsentscheidungen: Ein Mehrebenen-Ansatz zur Analyse von (potenziellen) Einflussfaktoren

Time period IV-19 to IV-23

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2.2.308 - Betriebliche Ausbildungspartnerschaften - Strukturen, Potentiale und Risiken für KMU

Time period II-17 to II-21

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Cooperation agreements

Examples of important cooperation partners are the University of Bern, the University of Zurich, the University of Maastricht, the LMU University Munich and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).