Occupational segmentation in vocational education and training – characteristics and functional principles

The starting point for this thematic cluster is the assumption that the field of dual and school-based vocational education and training consists of different occupational segments. These segments have their own functionalities and are linked with various access and career opportunities for individuals. On the firm side, the segments necessitate different training models and various forms of employment both for skilled workers who have trained in the dual system and for those who have completed school-based training. To date, there is no systematic description of the central vocational training segments, nor is knowledge available on their functional principles. The aim of the cluster is to close this research gap. To this end, the objective is to develop theoretical approaches, which are able to explain the origin and functionality of segments of vocational education and training as well as segment-specific access and career opportunities. A further goal is to create a database on training occupations in order to facilitate an empirical description and analysis of occupational segmentation.


Sample key questions

  • How does segmentation present itself within the vocational education and training system in Germany?
  • In what way are permanently established segments (theoretically grounded occupationally groups) constituted in vocational education and training—i.e. what are the functional principles which lead to the consolidation of these occupational segments?
  • How can these occupational segmentations be operationalised, and which databases can be used in order to measure them?
  • What are the consequences of occupational segmentation for individuals and firms when accessing, acquiring and utilizing vocational training qualifications (e.g. selection into segments, education and career paths out of segments)? What are the underlying processes and mechanisms?

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