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Employment without a vocational qualification - what are the available routes?

Schöngen, Klaus ; Braun, Uta ; Bremser, Felix ; Weller, Sabrina


In 2007, a total of approximately 5.3 million persons in active employment had not completed vocational training. The unemployment rates amongst this statistical group have been rising at an above-average rate since the beginning of the 1980's. In 2009, the unemployment rate for all unskilled members of the active working population was 21.9%, more than three times higher than the corresponding figure for persons who had completed vocational education and training (6.6%).Jobs for unskilled workers are being cut or relocated to low-wage countries (REINBERG/HUMMEL 2007). This means that unskilled workers are subject to a higher risk of not being able to exercise permanent employment which offers prospects for development. The present BIBB REPORT provides information on the nature of the opportunities which exist on the labour market for unskilled workers and on the type of employment such persons pursue if they are in active employment. The Report also presents the possibilities which arise for unskilled workers if they wish to obtain a higher qualification or adapt their existing training to meet organisational and/or technical changes. It concludes by describing the training provision offered for the target group of "unskilled workers".

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Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
Issue number
BIBB Report
English / German

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