Observe international vocational training

One of the tasks of VET research is to evaluate and observe international developments in vocational education and training. BIBB also participates in international VET cooperation. These tasks are supported by monitoring vocational education and training systems and by conducting comparative research projects.

Important activities implemented by BIBB within this context:

  • Involvement in the European information network for vocational education and training (ReferNet)
  • Publication of the “International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training”
  • Implementation of the institute’s own comparative research and development projects within the scope of the Medium-Term Research and Development Programme and participation in projects
Tuesday, 27 August 2024

VET policy brief Germany 2024

An overview of vocational education and training initiatives and programmes in Germany in 2023, successful approaches and challenges from the perspective of European priority setting.

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Tuesday, 9 January 2024

ReferNet 2024-27

BIBB will again be a partner of Cedefop in the ReferNet network for the next 4 years. Following a successful application, the ReferNet team at BIBB will continue to report on VET policy developments in Germany and provide information on European initiatives.

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3.5.304 - Stakeholders’ roles in VET in times of digitalisation – a German-Swiss comparison (RADigital)

Time period III-18 to IV-19

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1.5.309 - Work-based learning programmes in the tertiary training sector - an international comparative analysis of models and functions

Time period I-14 to III-17

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1.5.313 - Development of national training standards - stakeholders, procedures and organisation in a European comparison

Time period I-15 to IV-17

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1.5.312 - Dual education and training as a company-based strategy for ensuring provision of specialist skills - case studies of motivation and organisation in an international context

Time period II-15 to I-17

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1.5.303 - Executive publication of the International Handbook of Vocational Training (IHBB)

Time period I-10 to IV-16

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1.5.314 - Transfer in (international) vocational education and training cooperations

Time period II-15 to IV-16

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