
Apart from the following glossary on crucial VET and Apprenticeship terms, you can find existing glossaries from the different countries below.

Conditions, circumstances or requirements (such as qualifications, education level, competences or work experience) governing admittance to and participation in educational institutions or programmes.

Systematic, long-term training alternating periods at the workplace and in an educational institution or training centre. The apprentice is contractually linked to the employer and receives remuneration (wage or allowance). The employer assumes responsibility for providing the trainee with training leading to a specific occupation.


  • in French, the term ‘apprentissage’ relates to both apprenticeship and the process of learning (see ‘learning’);
  • the German ‘dual system’ is an example of apprenticeship.


Cedefop; Tissot, P. (2004). Terminology of vocational training policy – A multilingual glossary for an enlarged Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office.

Process of appraising knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences of an individual against predefined criteria (learning expectations, measurement of learning outcomes). Assessment is typically followed by certification. Comment: in the literature, ‘assessment’ generally refers to appraisal of individuals whereas ‘evaluation’ is more frequently used to describe appraisal of education and training methods or providers.

Source: Cedefop; Tissot, P. (2004). Terminology of vocational training policy – A multilingual glossary for an enlarged Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office.