
Apart from the following glossary on crucial VET and Apprenticeship terms, you can find existing glossaries from the different countries below.

Person whose function is to impart knowledge, know-how or skills to learners in an education or training institution. Comment: a teacher may fulfil several tasks such as organizing and carrying out training programmes/courses and transmitting knowledge, whether generic or specific, theoretical or practical. A teacher in a vocationally-oriented institution may be referred to as a ‘trainer’.


Cedefop; Tissot, P. (2004). Terminology of vocational training policy – A multilingual glossary for an enlarged Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office.

AFPA – Association nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes (1992). Vocabulaire des formateurs [Vocabulary of trainers]. Paris: AFPA.

Anyone who fulfills one or more activities linked to the (theoretical or practical) training function, either in an institution for education or training, or at the workplace.


  • two categories of trainer can be distinguished:
    • professional trainers are training specialists whose job may coincide with that of the teacher in a vocational training establishment;

    • part-time or occasional trainers are professionals in various fields who take on, in their normal duties, part-time training activity, either in-company (as mentors and tutors of recruits and apprentices or as training providers) or externally (by occasionally offering their services at a training establishment);

  • trainers may carry out various tasks:
    • design training activities;

    • organise and implement these activities;

    • provide the actual training (transfer knowledge, know-how and skills);

    • help apprentices develop their skills by providing advice, instructions and comments throughout the apprenticeship.


Cedefop; Tissot, P. (2004). Terminology of vocational training policy – A multilingual glossary for an enlarged Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office.

AFPA – Association nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes (1992). Vocabulaire des formateurs [Vocabulary of trainers]. Paris: AFPA.

Theoretical or practical training for teachers and trainers.

Comments: training of trainers:

  • is for teaching/training personnel, either practising: (a) as professional teachers or trainers, (b) as professionals in a given field who accompany trainees in their work environment (occasional teachers or trainers);
  • covers a wide range of skills: knowledge specific to the field in question (general, technical or scientific); educational, psychological and sociological skills; management skills; familiarity with the world of work; and knowledge of training schemes and target audience;
  • also covers training related to course design, organization and implementation, as well as content of training activities (imparting knowledge, know-how and skills).

Cedefop; Tissot, P. (2004). Terminology of vocational training policy – A multilingual  glossary for an enlarged Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office.

Move from education or training to employment, covering the period between leaving education and entering the labour market. Comment: transition between school and employment (integration path, type of employment – with regard to level and status – and duration) is complex. Integration depends on many factors (gender, age, qualification, employment policy, guidance and counselling provision, etc.).


Cedefop; Tissot, P. (2004). Terminology of vocational training policy – A multilingual glossary for an enlarged Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office.