Department 1 - VET Research and Monitoring

Department 1 focusses on research and consultancy in the area of socio-economic issues within the vocational education and training and employment system. Primary and secondary statistical data is used to analyse and monitor key developments in vocational education and training and to identify future trends in these developments.

Blurry crowd of people walking over a plaza

Research is carried out in particular on changes in labour market demand and supply, the qualification requirements of both business and of individuals, integration into the employment system, costs and benefits of vocational education and training as well as competency development. The department assists the Federal Statistical Office in the completion of the vocational education and training statistics (survey conducted 31.12) and determines the annual number of newly concluded training agreements (BIBB survey on 30 September). Key preliminary work is also completed for the annual Report on Vocational Education and Training by the Federal Government. The department is also responsible for preparing the annual data reports forming part of the Report on Vocational Education and Training. The BIBB's data research centre is also based in the department. This allows access to BIBB research data for external academics.

Furthermore, Department 1 is responsible for the establishment panel on qualification and competence development, the junior professorship foundation and the occupations and skills radar.

Establishment panel on qualification and competence development

Junior Professorship


Prof. Dr. Robert Helmrich

Head Robert Helmrich



Prof. Dr. Agnes Dietzen

Deputy Agnes Dietzen



Ulrike Themann

Office Management Ulrike Themann

Office Management

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